Mealime App

My co-worker and fellow mom, Grace, showed me an app she uses to meal plan and grocery shop. It’s called Mealime. It’s free, but there is a “Pro” option that you can pay for if you really like the app and want more features.

The app has recipes for a complete meal, main dish and sides, for several different ways of eating. You select your preference and the app shows you all the meals. You can plan meals for the week by selecting the ones you want to cook.

The app will generate a shopping list for all the meals selected. You can mark off the ingredients that you already have at home, a feature I really like.

I started using it over the summer and then I slacked off this winter. I used to use the “Classic” and “Low-Carb” options. I decided this week to use the app again and saw where there is a keto option! So tonight, I was feeling adventurous so I made this….

This is Steak, Asparagus, and Bell Pepper Stir Fry. The recipes have some good sized portions, and we usually have leftovers. This meal was really, really good. It was a nice change from what I usually cook in the winter and it wasn’t very labor-intensive. It called for freshly grated ginger, which I’ve never used in a recipe, and the scent is now one of my favorites. I cooked some microwave brown rice for the Swirlies, but Joe B and I ate this by itself in a bowl.

Just wanted to share another tool I rediscovered today. 😊 Happy Friday!!

Some of My Favorite Tools

I wanted to share a few things that I rely on in my health journey, including the keto diet. I tried them at different times, for different reasons, but now they are a mainstay.

Bulletproof Brand MCT Oil

MCT oil was recommended to me by a trainer at Studio Alpha. Lisa is amazing and she explained the benefits of the MCT compound found in coconut oil for joint health, gut health, and appetite suppression when doing intermittent fasting. You must be careful and start with small doses and work up to a full serving of 1 Tbs. It can be very hard on the stomach if you take too much. I gave it a good 3 weeks of half a teaspoon and worked my way up.

CALM Magnesium Citrate Supplement

I started taking a magnesium supplement when I learned that magnesium deficiency can be a factor in anxiety and depression. We can get magnesium in our food, but since the soil on commercial farms is becoming nutrient-depleted from over-farming, there is less magnesium and other nutrients available in our food. I take this at night as I still work towards getting off my anti-depressants. I dissolve 2 tsp of the powder in a little bit of hot water, then I add more cold water and maybe a little bit of stevia sweetened lemonade. It not only helps me sleep, but it helps keep things moving, if you know what I mean. 😜 Sometimes people report constipation being an issue when they start keto, so this helps with that.

Bubly or LaCroix Sparkling Water

When I transitioned off artificial sweeteners last February, this was a lifesaver. For years I struggled to quit the Diet 7-Up at dinner time. Once I gave up all artificial sweeteners, it made it much easier to give up the diet sodas. I sneak cans or bottles of this in my purse and bring it to the movies, and I find it at convenience stores, or I stock up and travel with it. Perfect for the keto lifestyle, and for gut health because it has no aspartame that can contribute to leaky gut syndrome and inflammation.

Oscar Mayer Portable Protein Pack

Finding snacks at convenience stores when I’ve forgotten to pack my own and I’m starving is really challenging. These are my favorite. I like cheese, but I have to have something crunchy with them, so I rarely would eat cheese by itself without a cracker of some sort. The almonds are crunchy and salty enough that they are a great substitute for crackers.

Nurse Hatty Professional Grade Ketone Test Strips

This are the test strips I use to see if I’m in ketosis. Very easy to use and to read. 40 seconds and you know. Very interesting fact…if there is ANY color change at all, even if it is slight, you are in ketosis. After I leaned that I didn’t get hung up on how deep the color was or wasn’t.

I’m sure I will do more of my “favorites” as I go along. I have people asking me about these things specifically so I thought I’d do a blog entry around these tools. As you were….

Ketogenic Diet Witness

keto diet blog pic

Here is the blog post I’ve wanted to write for months. I wrote about Intermittent Fasting (IF), giving up artificial sweeteners, gut health, and how effective those things were for me. What I hadn’t written about to-date, is my first experience with the Ketogenic Diet, and now my return to it.

Back in May 2018, after I competed in a shawl dance competition for the first time for an entire powwow, I decided to give the keto diet a whirl. I was getting ready to begin another wellness challenge, and I noticed the benefits of IF and giving up the Splenda on my joints and eliminating my sugar cravings. I follow Dr. Jason Fung and Dr. Eric Berg on social media, and I read Dr. Fung’s book, as well as the book pictured above. What intrigued me the most was not the weight loss, but the anti-inflammatory benefits of the diet, and being pre-diabetic still, the positive impact it would have on my labs/bloodwork. I got my labs done and found my A1c had come down another point from a high of 6.1 to 5.9. I have yet to check it again, but I have plans to in May 2019.

When I started keto in May 2018, I experienced what people call the “keto flu”, which is actually withdrawal symptoms from carbohydrates. I made a homemade electrolyte drink that my sister-friend Makyla sent to me and that helped alleviate the flu-like symptoms. Once I got through that, prepping my  lunches was fairly easy because I was lowering my carb intake for a few months prior. I did not do the high fat thing very well….I didn’t use it as an excuse to eat fatty meat and bacon, etc. But I did lost about 5 lbs in my first week. I checked my ketones regularly and knew I was in ketosis. Overall, the keto diet contributed to me losing 22 lbs from my highest weight at the beginning of 2018. The biggest benefits for me were that it gave me good energy all day long, and I didn’t have many food cravings. It also reduced the inflammation in my bad hip enough to where I ran my first 5K in years one month in. I danced jingle dress all summer and even got to the point where I was able to compete in fancy shawl and a few more powwows. I was feeling like my old self. It was very difficult to maintain at powwows, but it is difficult to maintain any healthy way of eating when you are on the road and away from your own kitchen, so that’s not really an excuse.

But I fell off over the summer, and I fell off further in the fall and early winter of 2018. I gained all my weight back because I wasn’t managing my work stress. I was very sporadic with my workouts with Travis and I felt tired all the time. The plus side is I got my crafting mojo back and that felt great!!! I made some beautiful things for my husband and kids and other close friends. I volunteered in my community and continued to attend my Al-Anon meetings and do my step-work with my sponsor. So it definitely wasn’t all bad. I look at it now as a time where I deepened my learning and deepened my work on my personal healing, and how that will help me balance and manage the stress from the challenges that will always be a part of life.

I wrote about joining the wellness challenge the beginning of January. And I started back on keto January 6. I was able to get back into ketosis within 3 days with no sleep issues and no keto flu. And I lost 5.8 lbs my first week back. I haven’t missed a day of training with Travis and I’m working my 5K training plan. We have had some really yucky weather here in KS for the past few weeks, but being in ketosis and reducing the inflammation has made it to where my joints don’t ache at all when the barometric pressure drops. I have so much energy, which is amazing because I’ve had alot of demands on my schedule and personal resources. I’ve been able to meet the demands on my time and energy and feel good about it.

The biggest difference for me is my approach and mindset. I truly believe that keto is working for me because I’ve embraced this Way of Eating (WOE). I’m committed to eating non-starchy vegetables, healthy fats, and good sources of protein. I’ve read over Whole 30 blogs and articles and one thing that struck me was how the Whole 30 diet does not have any recipes for “whole 30 brownies” or any other substitutes for the sweet and crunchy foods we have a type of dependence on. They said that trying to find substitutes for sweets and starchy goodness while on Whole 30 was like “sex with your pants on”. Lol. That’s where I was on the wrong track before. I wanted the benefits of keto without giving up the foods that were making me sick in the first place. My sister tried to explain this very thing to me a few years ago, but it didn’t click with me then. It has clicked with me now with resonance. I no longer look for recipes for fake sweets like muffins or cakes that use almond flour and a lot of artificial sweetener. Same with coffee drinks and other sources of sugar that I craved before. This time around, the ketogenic WOE is a complete mind-shift. I’m not focused on weight-loss, I’m focused on pain-management and energy. I don’t weigh myself with any regularity because I’m focused on managing the day to day things I want to do to treat my body with respect and reverence. I feel stronger, I can see the definition in my legs returning. And I did a fancy shawl dance practice yesterday and my legs felt great!!!!!

So there’s my keto testament. It’s not for everybody, so I won’t be a member of the “keto-police”, but I am happy to share what it’s done for me.




Deadlifts and dead legs…

My personal trainer is Travis Barrett. He is amazing…and he is the one I am convinced is trying to kill me. Lol. Just kidding…but he is pushing me and it is good. I trust him with my training, he knows my health history and my hip replacement surgery, and knows I am going to get my left hip replaced at some point. I work out with him twice a week and he is helping me find ways to maintain consistency in my training and diet.

This week I went back to my 50 minute 6am workouts with him on Tuesday and Thursday. My daughter had basketball games both nights so I knew I needed to go before work or else I would miss my workouts. Deadlifts are my favorite for some reason. If my bad hip is feeling stiff or sore, deadlifts always loosens it up and make it feel better. And I always feel like I accomplished something when I get my workout done.

I told him this morning, “Video, or it didn’t happen.” 😂 So here I am. I remember when I first started working with Travis, before my right hip replacement…I didn’t have enough range of motion in my hip joints to even be able to get down to grab the trap bar. My back and shoulders were very rounded, so Travis had to prop up the trap bar on some stacked weights to get the bar a few inches off the floor. I’m so happy that my range of motion has improved so I can do these exercises with good form and without the props.

My legs are dead though. And I am so sore. I’ve been sore ever since Sunday. I was even more sore yesterday…so much so that I made yesterday a rest-day instead of forcing myself to do my 5K training session. So tomorrow is Day 2 of the Galloway training app. I still have to figure out the music part of the app….but I did buy some new earbuds today. 😊

Keto, 5K Training, & Lifesaving Collagen Peptides

I am back to my 16/8 schedule of IF since beginning this wellness challenge. And yesterday I got back on keto. I didn’t write about it before, but I did try the ketogenic diet last May and I liked it. I just didn’t keep it up when powwow season hit. I experienced what others have when doing keto…more energy, no energy dips, lost belly fat, but the best thing was that the pain in my bad hip was almost nonexistent. Keto did help reduce the inflammation to the point where I was running last spring. Since I am training for my 5K on March 2, I just kind of slid back into the keto diet yesterday. Day 2 and going strong.

Yesterday was also the 1st try using the Galloway walk/run app. I was STILL sore from dancing at a powwow on Saturday, but I’m glad I started my training anyway. I like how the intervals are broken up, but I tried to add music right before I used it. Not a good idea. I’ll have to sit and figure out a better play list, and remember to bring my ear buds tomorrow. But overall it was fun to run even if it was just for one minute intervals. I did feel self-conscious having a sped up version of “Jungle Love” coming out all loud from my phone as I went running by some white haired man…who was walking at a quick pace and would have passed me up if I was walking.

This morning I had my 3rd strength training workout of the New Year with my trainer Travis, at 6:00am. I made up my mind to go at that time because my daughter had a basketball game today about 35 min out of town at 5:30. I didn’t want to miss a workout, and I was glad to have it done and out of the way for the day. I swear he is trying to kill me. Lol. He is pushing me really hard but I need it. I packed my keto-friendly lunch last night so I was able to be all ready for work on time after getting home.

And tonight…after a long day, and snacking on some cool keto snacks I found at the Kwik Shop during the basketball game…I am not very hungry. But I do want something a little sweet and rich. And I remembered I had a packet of this Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel (pictured above), which is a flavored collagen peptide drink mix. It is made of bovine collagen peptides, coconut milk powder, cocoa powder, and sweetened with monk fruit. One packet has 70 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, and only 2 grams of carbs. I heated up 1.5 cups of unsweetened almond milk and added this packet in, using a small whisk to blend it up. It hit theeee spot! I’m getting more packets tomorrow. I’ve mixed them in coffee before and that’s very tasty, but hot almond milk is even better. Happy to know I have a healthy, comforting, and keto-friendly option for evenings like this. I feel all warm and relaxed and ready to get my sleep on.

Session 2 of the Galloway App tomorrow, and Day 3 of being accountable for my training and wellness plans.

5K Training Begins Today

I made several what I consider big decisions for me and my well-being and continued healing last week.

1) I joined an 8-Week Wellness Challenge. I have trouble seeing these things through to the end. My goal this time is to find the key to consistency. Just making it to the end and turning in my final results would be a huge win for me.

2) I am going to compete in a fancy shawl contest at the end of March. I am nowhere near ready, but I have committed to doing so. That feels good and gives me something to look forward to. I miss it more than anyone will ever know. Seeing my friend Lisa Ewack, who is my age, dance with 18 year olds this past weekend motivated me as well.

3) I did what the above picture represents. I signed up for a 5K. This particular race, I haven’t run since 2012, the year I got my dual hip osteoarthritis diagnosis. It’s a family event of sorts….I ran this race before with my dad and sister. And then our extended family and close friends used this race to jump start their running careers.

4) I decided to put myself out there more and share my plans and goals with people. My girl Tanksi volunteered to be part of my accountability system. She has me fired up already. My trainer Travis suggested I make my intentions public for more accountability. So I decided to use this blog as another accountability tool and document my training for the March 2 5K.

I will be trying a new program, the Jeff Galloway 7-Week Walk/Run app. I’ve used the Couch to 5K app in the past and I’ve liked it. I just want to try something different this time.

Today I am tired and I am sore from dancing at a powwow on Saturday in Oklahoma, and traveling yesterday. But I am motivated to start this today so I can keep on schedule. The 5K coincides with the end of the Wellness Challenge. This has just all fallen into place very easily, so it must be what I’m meant to do.

Be ready to hear about my progress, or any lack of…lol. Here we gooooooooo!!!!