Shelley’s May 3 Top Ten

Hello! It’s Friday, May 3, 2019. I haven’t written anything since February I think. So I’m just going to hit the highlights…


  1. I didn’t run the Shamrock Shuffle at the beginning of March and I’m still mad at myself. I got behind in my training, and then it was bitterly cold on race day. My bad hip doesn’t do we at all in really cold weather, so I opted out. #wimpy
  2. I DID compete in fancy shawl at Buffalo Run Powwow in Miami, OK and I felt pretty good. 🙂 #goalaccomplished
  3. I am now an After-Hours Crisis Screener (in addition to my WRAP Therapist job) and credentialed at our local hospital. Extra clinical hours, additional experience, and supplemental pay. #winning
  4. My social work license is up for renewal this month and I am 3 Ethics CEUs short of my required hours. #help
  5. I’m presently experiencing my 1st allergy attack of 2019 and my right nostril won’t stop running. #soggytissue #WHYjusttherightside
  6. Constant debate of whether I want relief from allergy symptoms with Zyrtec, or do I want to function like a normal being – alert, awake,upright, coherent – and take an antihistamine that doesn’t work as well? #decisions
  7. I already forgot what I was going to write for #7
  8. I have some kinda crazy inflammation, blemish-looking, itchy spots on my forehead that won’t go away. #WhatISthat
  9. The constant rainy and cloudy weather has me using a Verilux lamp at my desk – thank you to my boss for loaning it to me. Helps stimulate Vitamin D production to alleviate symptoms of seasonal depression. #mentalhealthawarenessmonth
  10. I want to go home…yet here I sit….blogging….and procrastinating on some documentation I need to do. #sendhelp #seriously

Ok, back to my notes.