About Shelley Eagleman-Bointy

I am an Ihanktonwan Dakota winyan, enrolled Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux of Montana. Mom of 2 Swirlies and 2 older bonus kids in Oklahoma. I am a wife of 21 years to my "legendary" fancy dance husband - Joe Bointy. Love to run, one of the founders of the local "Smokin Mocs" running club. I am a fancy shawl dancer FOR LIFE. I am interested in improving the health of my family and my Native communities, one tiospaye (extended family) at a time. I want to share my family's search for good health (Wozani Was'te) as we eliminate as much processed food as possible, help start a marathon club at my girls' school, figure out how to garden, and learn how to maintain our physical fitness through osteo-arthritis, other aging-related maladies, and the hectic schedule of raising an 11-year old and a 9-year old.

Basketball after 50!!!

January 15, 2023. First hoop session.

I haven’t written about this yet, and it needs its own blog post.

Our family friend/sister-in-law Darryl M had a goal of playing in the OK Native B-Ball tournament this past March. I haven’t played ball since long before my first hip replacement back in 2015. In January of this year we started playing at a local gym. There were just 4 of us at our first workout. My sister and I, Darryl, her husband Mo, and her niece Jan-u-fer. We shot around, got familiar with the ball again, played Knock-Out and Horse. Maybe we played 2-on-2? If we did it was just for a very brief amount of time. And that was about all we could physically do. I was so sore after that!! But we kept going back weekly, every Sunday, and we got more people to come out.

We gradually worked up from knock-out to playing 3 on 3. Then 4 on 4. We went from playing half court to full court. We had some youngins come out to play, and they were so supportive and encouraging of us! We found more 50+ and 40+ women to come play. Some the kids of the women who came out to play jumped in to help fill out a team or to be subs.

I think all of us started out playing in our running shoes. A vast assortment of Hoka Ones, Saucony, ASIC, and Brooks ran the court. We all gradually got court appropriate shoes. We worked out in spandex, old school mesh shorts, whatever was comfortable and what we could move in. We took lots of breaks. We had good music going. We tried to take a team picture after each session. There so much laughter, a little trash talking, that I looked forward to it every week.

February 12, 2023

There were several of us with health issues that showed up faithfully every Sunday. Me with my 2 replaced hip joints, my sister with her stuff, one woman needed a new knee, one had a heart attack previously, and another was recovering from a mysterious heart ailment. We all had grief, losing family members to the pandemic. But we showed up. And we improved. We were running full court games within a couple of months.

We were able to scrape together a team for the OK tournament. For the 50+ division, we had to play 6 on 6!! 😂 Some of us had never heard of that, much less played. So there was much YouTubing of 6 on 6 games and trying to practice it prior to the tournament.

I wish I could post a highlight reel here from the tournament. It was a sight! The thing that got me was that I felt like I was going full tilt…moving fast on defense, rebounding, etc. But when we watched the videos of our games we were all like, “Why does it look like we are moving in slow motion?” 😂😂😂 Just really given’er but barely moving. Soooooo many comical moments on the court….I think we laughed for days after at some of them!

We lost our first game right off the bat, which we protested. The official made us play down with 4 players because the other team only had 4. We should have been able to put 6 on the floor. It would have changed the outcome of the game, so we protested. We had to compromise on the protest. They wouldn’t let us replay the game, but they gave us our protest fee, plus half our entry fee back because their official messed up.

We worked our way back from the losers bracket to the championship game! And the 50+ women’s bracket games were all played in ONE day! Thank goodness there were only 4 teams total, but since we ended up in the losers bracket, we played 4 full games in one day.

March 24, 2023, Oklahoma All-Native State Tournament

We were exhausted by the last game. Before tip off we were already happy and excited because we didn’t expect to make it that far. One of our teammates said, “We’re already winners!” The other team out of Washington state was goooood. We got worked. We ended up with 2nd place at our first tournament!! Woooooo!!!! Darryl just hugged us really hard. She was our fearless leader and kept us moving towards her goal months.

I never ever thought I would be playing ball again at 55 years old. It has turned into self-care for me. Playing with these ladies on the weekends helps me take care of my physical, social, emotional, and mental health. I’m moving thee old bod, pushing it to do more as I am able, I get to laugh around for 2 hours, and do something I’ve enjoyed since 6th grade.

I’m so glad our weekly games have started back up again after the summer and fall hiatus. And I’m so glad to have found another form of self-care.

2nd Place/Runners-Up L-R: Granny, me, Tonya, Darryl (To), Tammy, Coleen, Sharon, Rona.

Tweaking The Routine

I Snapchat my meals that I really enjoy and send to my friends and family. This is from this morning’s breakfast.

So, the habit stacking got derailed from travel 2 weekends in a row. Nephew’s basketball tournament and then a 50+ women’s tournament the weekend after. Did my best to eat good both weekends, but didn’t have the energy to meal prep or to prepare workday meals and snacks the night before. I’m so glad I went to both tournaments though. Love spending time with my sister and my nephew, got to see friends and family at the tournaments, and the 50+ women’s tournament was such an amazing experience that it deserves its own blog post. I am being more mindful of my social and emotional health, and the tournaments did give my heart a boost.

I’ve been tracking my foods but to be honest, I haven’t tracked everyday and on the days I do track, I don’t add everything I eat. Hence, the scale hasn’t moved and I’ve been feeling tired again. Also, when I do track my protein and I have my meals and snacks prepped, I realized that I am overeating….I’m finishing everything even if I’m full to make sure I get my protein in.

I feel like I haven’t quite hit on the right formula for my meals and snacks yet in order to see the results I want. So here are some of the tweaks I am going to try.

1- Slow down my eating, be mindful of how I’m feeling, and stop eating before I feel full or stuffed. I think that’s going to be really helpful right there, even if it cuts down on my protein intake in the short term.

2- Make sure I’m eating non-starchy veggies with my breakfast, lunch, and my snacks. Still save my carbs for dinner like sweet potatoes, quinoa, chickpea pasta, etc. Carbs at night help me sleep better.

3- Cut back on my dairy intake slightly and see if that makes a different. I love my cottage cheese and my yogurt, but I wonder if I have a little dairy sensitivity going on that is helping my body to hold on to some inflammation.

4- Find different food/meals/snacks that get my protein in without feeling stuffed. This will take some experimenting, some learning as I go, but I’m willing to put in this work because my health goals are everything to me right now.

This morning I wanted to put one of the tweaks into practice. I was hungry upon waking and but didn’t want eggs for some reason. So in my fridge I had a loaf of Dakota bread from Great Harvest Bread Co., some perfectly ripe avocados, leftover rotisserie chicken and some spinach. I toasted the bread, heated up the spinach and chicken in a pan with a little olive oil, mashed 1/4 of an avocado onto the toast, sprinkled some hemp seeds on the avocado, then topped it with the 3 oz of chicken and spinach, then sprinkled some Everything But The Bagel seasoning. This was soooooo good!! And I felt good after eating it. It was just the right amount of food where I didn’t feel full or stuffed, but satisfied. And it logged in at 35g of protein, 19 g of net carbs, and fulfilled about 25% – 35% of my magnesium, fiber, and Omega-3 goals!

I have to add that I’m surrounded by inspiring people. My sister is making astounding progress with her health, my oldest daughter Samantha has lost 30 lbs while being a busy mom and women’s health nurse, my middle daughter has lost 15 lbs on Noom and is doing PT to get her foot injury issues resolved, and my youngest is running track and very mindful of her nutrition. My husband is working on lowering his blood pressure and all his labs are good. Our family friend/brother lost 20 lbs during a weight loss challenge and he was laid up with a traumatic leg injury the whole time. He lost enough weight where his blood pressure came down quite a bit and his doctors have to adjust his medication.

I’ll keep the blog updated as I’m relearning this 55 year old bod. Sometimes I feel like I do not recognize or know this body anymore at all. That’s the frustrating part. But I value myself and my health enough to relearn myself.

Habit Stacking & Putting It All Together

As I write this, I’m on the last 2 weekdays of my spring break. I’ve rested and restored and ready to do some work on myself again.

Since the end of January I’ve been learning new ways of eating, movement, how to energize myself in healthier ways, and bringing my stress levels down. I am still at 1 cup of coffee each morning either with or after I eat breakfast. I drink more hot tea. I’m getting more efficient at the meal prep and packing my lunchbox for work each day. I’m more aware of my sleep habits, and that will be a daily work in progress. I’ve been moving more, but not as much as I’d like to.

I’ve been focusing on one habit at a time so I don’t feel overwhelmed. And that’s been a good plan so far. Now it’s time to put it all together.

Starting today I’m going to take my blood glucose readings each morning. I’m still pre-diabetic and I’ve been worried about how my 2nd bout with Covid has impacted that. So I decided to face my worry and take my reading, and I’ll do so each morning. That’s one of my most important measures of progress that doesn’t involve the scale. I’m also going to use my continuous glucose monitor again. I got frustrated with it because it would come off like 3 days into using it, and one time it just got jacked up when I was trying to apply a new one. And I discovered that the alarm goes off like I have a big glucose dip when I sleep on my side and on the arm where it’s attached. Not fun at 3am to be woken up by my phone beeping loudly. Anyway, I am looking for weekly improvement in my morning readings no matter how slight.

This is what I want my days to look like by putting all the habits together:

1) Prep my breakfast and lunches the night before.

2) Pack my workout bag the night before. If the weather is good, walk right after work around my school. If the weather is bad, go to Planet Fitness. The goal is 30 min of walking per day, 30 min of strength training 3-4 times per week.

3) Take my thyroid meds with 16-24 oz of water. That’s been a habit for over a decade.

4) Eating a protein rich, savory breakfast. Shooting for 25g or protein for my 1st meal. Drink green tea before and then I cup of coffee with or after my breakfast.

5) Track and hit my daily goals for protein (130g), magnesium, fiber, omega-3, and Vitamin D.

6) Eat every 2-3 hours. Save my complex carbs for later in the day. I learned that this, along with hitting my protein goals, really helps reduce my urge to binge eat at night.

7) Set my bedtime and stick to it. My nighttime routine is non-existent so I’m starting with a set in stone bedtime and then reading to get sleepy instead of being on my phone. I was journaling at night for a bit and I enjoyed that. I shall give that another go and see if that habit can stick.

Those are the daily habits. These are the things that will help with my health goals.

List all my supplements on my white board so I can see them, and/or write them in my passion planner, and check off when I take them.

Use my good water bottle and add my electrolyte drops. My house has a reverse osmosis system and I’m not getting any minerals from all the water I’m drinking.

Meal Prep when I am home on the weekends. Make a double batch when I do cook during the week so we have a meal of leftovers the next day to cut down on my cooking time.

Do a brain dump with my journal and use my wall calendar for appointments and tasks. The mental load of a mom overloads my brain at times. Getting it on paper where we all can see it helps immensely.

I remember the last two times I got really healthy. In 2002 when I trained and focused for Gathering of Nations and I got 1st place, and then in 2009 when I trained and focused for my 1st half-marathon. I used a lot of visualization to picture myself succeeding at those things. It’s time to bring that back and start visualizing myself as healthy and active. Let’s try this and see how it goes. Everything is open to be adjusted or tweaked as I continue with my healing journey.

Meal Prep

I wanted to focus on some meal prep this weekend to see if I can have more time in the morning to enjoy my tea and relax before my day gets started. I also want to add more green and colorful veggies into my daily meals and snacks. 

I was going to go grocery shopping first and then meal prep. But I realized I bought supplies to prepare a few meals last weekend, so I started that prep before I went shopping. It cleaned out my fridge nicely and made room for the fresh stuff coming in later. 

I went to play basketball with my 50+ crew, assisted in our tournament prep by some youngsters who could hoop! Then went shopping and came home to do more prep. 

I had a wicked allergy attack that must have started before my b-ball, and I could not calm it down all evening. My head and sinuses ached from the moment I woke up this morning, and I felt groggy all day from the meds I took last night, so I’m glad I didn’t have to cook or prepare anything this morning as I was moving extra slow. 

These were my workday meals and snacks. 

Breakfast: Broccoli, bacon and cheese quiche with an almond flour crust. Using 5 eggs plus 5 egg whites for a protein boost. 2 cups of Tulsi green tea. 

Snack: 1/2 C Greek yogurt with 1/4 C each of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, topped with hemp hearts and walnuts. A cup of peppermint tea. 

Lunch: Salmon and asparagus. 

Snack: Venison Chomps stick with red pepper and cucumber. 

**I got 30 min of walking in after work at my school. Walked on the grass around the football field. I had to make myself go telling myself I would feel better, which I did.  

Dinner (not pictured): Leftover Cashew Chicken from last night’s dinner. I used sprouted pepitas in place of cashews and it was a good substitute. 

Snack (not pictured): Baked sweet potato with 1 tsp Irish butter and about 1/2 tsp Allulose sweetener. Cup of chamomile tea. 

I wanted to see how these work today and then tweak if necessary. 

I’m back to keeping a food journal, but I’m really only tracking 5 things: Protein, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Omega 3, and fiber. I have goals for each one, and trying to meet my goals with real food. It’s challenging to get some of these just from food. I have some good supplements that I take no matter what, but still trying to find and eat foods that are rich in those nutrients. 

Which these foods today, plus I had to take a fiber supplement since I was just a tad short of 28g, I hit alllll of my goals, including 130g of protein. Wooooo!! 

I have the foods to repeat this tomorrow.

Cortisol, Inflammation, and My Health

I’ve got a different perspective on my current health and I’m trying something different. I’ll be posting AAAALLLLL the foods I’m eating for the next 6 weeks on my Facebook page for 2 reasons: 1) I want a record of what I’m doing, 2) I want to keep myself accountable and motivated. I am thinking about doing a weekly collective thingy to post here as well.

A little backstory: I will be 55 in 2 months and I will finally enter the Golden Age category (55+ years) at powwows. I wanted to hit my new age category running, so to speak. I want to be in good shape and I want to be shawl dancing. I’ve been walking, started running some intervals (restarted my CouchTo5K program), and hit the weights a few times. I even got a $10 monthly membership to Planet Fitness so I’ll always have a place to walk or lift. I walked/ran my first 5K on Thanksgiving Day, got all motivated to get back into 5K races, and then tested positive for Covid for the 2nd time (1st go-round was January 2022) two days after that run. The second round with Covid was much harder than the 1st. I took Paxlovid to lower my chances of long-Covid and I hope that works. I gained 10lbs in the weeks following my Covid bout with not much of a change in my eating habits. The weight gain went all to my belly and my neck. I feel anxious when I wake up. My blood glucose is still elevated. My energy crashes mid afternoon. And when my energy crashes all I want to do is eat. My muscles and joints are sore most of the time and I have headaches and have to take Advil every night just to be able to sleep. And the daily life of being a middle-school therapist and a mom to 3 adolescent girls (we added one this summer, retained guardianship of my youngest’s best friend), is mentally and emotionally stressful. I didn’t think adding one more kid would make that big of a difference in how busy we are. But we learned quickly that it makes a significant difference. I joined Noom to get some structure back into my everyday life and started a wellness journal. However, nothing really helped. The scale moved 3 lbs in a month with some diligent effort on my part.

I’m so thankful for the knowledge and insight I received over the weekend from my sister’s personal trainer Lisa Allen. I’m also glad I had the courage to be transparent with her and tell her everything that has been going on with my health since my Covid bout, the weight gain, and how I feel from day to day. With her experience and education, she believes that my cortisol levels are high from being sick, from stress (it’s been a very rough time the last 2 years). And that those two factors are contributing to my body holding onto inflammation. She thinks my weight gain looks more like inflammation than body fat, especially where I’m holding on to the weight. She explained how cortisol works, what contributes to high levels and inflammation, and she recommended a very doable plan to help myself feel better, to bring down the inflammation that my body is holding onto. She really believes that I’ll notice a difference in how I feel within 6 weeks.

I started Sunday with this regimen but didn’t think to start documenting until today. I’m committing to 6 weeks of changes in my day-to-day living in hopes that I’ll feel better and my systems will start to heal. The changes involve refraining from doing things that my body will read as “stress”. That means I’m not doing keto, and no intermittent fasting. My body can produce more cortisol if I’m in ketosis or fasting because it signals stress in response to hunger. No intense workouts (just walking, light weight training), and jealousy guarding my sleep schedule. No all-night or even late-night binge sewing or beading for the next 6 weeks. I will be drinking all the water, and taking magnesium glycinate, Vitamin D, Omega-3 and Vitamin B complex supplements. My goal is to work up to eating 130g of protein each day from real food. Eating at regular intervals, all of this so my body doesn’t feel stress from workouts, hunger, or sleep deprivation. And saving my carbs for later in the day (I heard that referred to as “back-loading my carbs”). I’m going to watch my intake of processed carbs and bread, and keep my sugar intake low. I’m thinking this 6 weeks would be a good time to try regular/consistent yoga.

And this….yes, I’m actually saying this….I’m cutting down on my beloved COFFEE!!!!!

For years I’ve woken up and dove into my bucket of coffee. On an empty stomach, and then didn’t eat until anywhere between 10am-Noon. I didn’t realize that coffee first thing in the morning on an empty stomach was driving up my cortisol levels, which are already naturally high first thing in the morning. I did the coffee on an empty stomach and waited to eat because I thought that extended my overnight fast was good for my blood glucose. However, that habit is actually working against my health goals. I have a continuous glucose monitor and I noticed that my blood sugar is all over the place while I’m sleeping. That’s the cortisol and inflammation.

So, here we go with the first of the food pictures.

My breakfast today: 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 1 cup of spinach, 1/2 cup mushrooms, and about 1.5-2 oz of leftover baked salmon, with a cup of green tea. I’m cutting down my coffee gradually to avoid caffeine withdrawals, so I had 1 cup of coffee after I ate. It’s a big change from the 2 huge mugs of coffee I would have every morning, plus another from my office Keurig once I got to work. I actually felt good yesterday and today with just green tea and a little coffee. Maybe I just need a hot drink in the morning and it doesn’t necessarily have to be caffeinated. Until then, I will be saving my coffee to drink after my breakfast.

This was really filling, so I ate half and I was full, packed up the rest for a mid-morning snack. My lunch is a 5 ounce piece of leftover baked salmon, and some leftover roasted asparagus. My afternoon snack is blueberries, walnuts and yogurt. My plan for dinner is Rao marinara sauce with grass-fed beef, with chickpea pasta, and a salad with my homemade vinaigrette.

I’m looking forward to this, and really looking forward to feeling better.

Today, Sunday, October 23rd

Today felt like a good day to turn my IG and FB status into a blog post.

School therapist life has been tough. We are at the end of the quarter and students are feeling that round of fatigue that accompanies the end of a quarter. We have a new teenager in our house, we retained guardianship of her in August. She’s amazing. But now I have 3 daughters in my house…and it’s a whole different ballgame than 2 teenage daughters.

My youngest daughter hit the last 3 cross country meets of her season still in good shape. Not injured, took her times way down, just tired. She was a model of self-care with her nutrition choices and allowing her brain and body to rest when needed. My oldest got a job and is getting antsy with her gap year. I’m still trying to sew and bead and building those boundary setting muscles.

It’s still a busy time of the year no matter how I schedule or say no. Parent teacher conferences for my 2 high schoolers and my work went on, plus appointments for all my kids and myself, traveling to meets….lots of stress. Trying to type out all of the activities and meetings, and concerts, and dental work, and clubs would create more stress. Lol.

I’m feeling all the effects of the last 1.5 weeks. I woke up with a headache, my jaw hurts, I didn’t feel rested, and I just generally feel run down.

Today my day is dedicated to restoration. Restoring my calm, my energy, my peace.

Usually feeling this way makes me crave sweets or other comfort foods. Today my body was craving something different. I cooked up several cups of wild rice, the real stuff, and I want to make stuffed acorn squash soon. I wasn’t sure if I was hungry for porridge or some kind of substantial salad. So this is what came to me.

Organic salad greens on the bottom that I got from the store 2 days ago. I wanted celery but didn’t have it, so used diced mini cucumber instead. Added some raspberries and blackberries, diced apple, dried cranberries. Added some pecans, sprouted pumpkin seeds, hemp hearts, and topped it with some warm wild rice. I mixed up a maple vinaigrette, I wanted a lemon maple dressing but didn’t have any lemons. So I put together olive oil, white wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, sea salt, fresh ground black pepper, and some maple syrup.

I know this sounds corny as heck, but I felt that this fed my body and my spirit. Drank some filtered water, and now making some spearmint tea.

Today is going to be lots of water, tea, fresh foods. Whatever I decide to do today, I am moving slowly and deliberately. No rushing allowed today. Remembering to breathe. I want to get outside enjoy a walk, or just get a good stretch in. Whatever thee old body feels like doing is what we are rolling with today.

rest #restore #selfcare #indigenousfood #mni #ceyaka #wildrice #calm #peacefulmindpeacefullife


I’ve been feeling my grief and depression for 3 weeks. It’s been hard to cook, hard to feel like exercising, hard to do the work on my emotional eating…everything seems to take more energy than I have. And my therapist brought to my attention that Wednesday was the 17th…it’s been 6 months since my mom passed. And next Friday is my first birthday without her.

So I just gave myself a break in order to function at home, with my family, and my job. Just let myself feel and be. I didn’t beat myself up for not managing my eating or getting out to walk….I knew I was doing good just to get out of bed and function at work. Then the time change threw me for a loop. This week has been physically exhausting. Our meals have been an assortment of comfort foods, take-out and frozen meals lately. Thank goodness my family is understanding and they help out wherever they can.

Yesterday I read a 12-part thread on the Humans of New York page about a woman who used food to heal her daughters’ medical issues. Reading about all the adversity they experienced in their move to the US and opening a diner, and how it has tested and strengthened their faith…it gave me a lift.

Today I felt like cooking, and also felt like cooking with colorful ingredients. As I chopped up the red bell pepper and put it in a bowl with broccoli and chopped onion, I realized it’s been a minute since I cooked with lots of veggies.

I’m an emotional eater, and it gets the best of me. So I return again to what I know and what I can live with…cook with and eat nutrient dense food…drink water…take my supplements and get back on my probiotic…eat fruit when I have a sugar craving…cook with and eat real food.

I saw this recipe for a savory salmon and veggie frittata and tried it out. Also felt like eating the kale, Brussels sprouts and cranberry salad we make around the holidays, but I forgot to get the sprouts. So it’s a kale, cranberry, pecan, and apple salad and I made a lemon vinaigrette.

This is really good. Here’s to getting back on the wagon. I think as long as I keep getting back on, it doesn’t matter how many times I fall off.

My Fun Friday Lunch

Understanding and addressing my emotional eating has been such a great way to take care of myself. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. And as a result, cooking and eating low-carb, high-fat meals has just been feeling very natural lately. I don’t want to say I’m all in with keto just yet because 1) I don’t want to put pressure on myself, 2) it’s going so good I don’t want to jinx it! lol. But I can feel my energy getting more consistent throughout the day, and my brain fog is starting to lift once again. Not struggling with cravings due to emotional eating has made a huge difference.

So here is a fun lunch I packed today on a whim, using whatever was in my refrigerator. I’ve been doing good getting my green veggies in this week so I wanted something different for my Friday lunch.

Inspired by the charcuterie board trend. Summer sausage, sliced Colby Jack cheese, celery, a boiled egg, almonds, blackberries and blueberries.

I seriously cannot wait for lunchtime. Lol.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday In The #LFK

We have a #snowday here in the #LFK

And we have rolling power outages here as well. I figured I’d better fix myself a hot brunch before anything happens on our street.

In case you’ve been following my blog, I’ve been learning about #emotionaleating and how I experience this. I’m reading a very informative and engaging book (more on that later as I get further in to it), and learning about #radicalacceptance

I am still a proponent of keto for many different reasons that are not weight-related. But as I’ve said in my blog, I’m taking a step back from all specific WOEs (Ways of Eating), while I learn about myself and how to work through my emotions as they relate to my behaviors surrounding food.

I’m still enjoying keto foods, and Mediterranean diet foods, and other familiar recipes. I’m cooking and eating what I have access to and what I think will be good fuel for my body.

So today, for my hot brunch before any power outages, I fixed my favorite soft-cooked eggs, on low-carb toasted bread, and I fixed a Cesar salad for my green veggies. It was so good. As an added bonus, it just happened to work out that I broke a 16-hour fast with this plate of food. I wasn’t trying to fast that long, I just didn’t feel hungry or experience any emotions that triggered snacking. #happytuesday #intermittentfasting #ketobrunch #emotionaleatingrecovery #radicalacceptance

Giving Myself What I Need

Earlier this week, I found myself in the mood to snack. To provide some context, the extreme cold weather generated some fear and anxiety. I worried about our power going out, worried about my Dad and my sister and their power going out. I worried about our adult children and their families, and my best friends in Oklahoma, who are not used to the extreme weather. I worried about my family in Michigan and Montana. Not to mention thinking about the homeless and pets who have nowhere to go. And then I had some work meetings which used up much of my mental and emotional energy. The outcome for all meetings was positive, but there was a big mental drain that gave me the weirdest headache right in the middle at the top of my head.

During one of my meetings, we discussed how when individuals act out, or employ different tactics that could be seen as “manipulative”, that there is a NEED that is not being met. And the individual is using the tools and techniques that they know work to get their needs met. The thing that struck me about that conversation was the reminder about viewing some behaviors as a symptom of an emotional need not being met. Which brought home a favorite quote from the author and psychologist Susan David, “Emotions are data, not directives.” Our emotions inform us of our needs, they do not direct our actions.

I ate my lunch before 1pm, but at 3pm I was starting to graze on the chocolates left in the Valentine’s box, and some fruit and Greek yogurt. When I took a bite out of the 3rd chocolate, I realized I was starting to mindlessly snack. So I paused to do a check-in. I was not hungry, but my head hurt with that weird headache and I was TIRED! Mentally and physically tired.

I did a quick inner assessment and figured out that my emotional, mental and physical tiredness and the weird headache came from worrying about the extreme cold and it’s effect on my loved ones, and the tiredness from my meetings. So I was deliberate in thinking to myself “What do I need?” What need is not being met that I am trying to meet with snacking?” Reminded myself that my emotions are clues as to what is going on with me, not internal physiological orders or directives to snack.

I came to the conclusion that I needed rest. Not necessarily sleep, but I needed to give myself a few moments to let go of draining thoughts and allow my brain to just rest. I tried to convince myself to do a short yoga video, but I truly felt too tired to do so. Since my work day was done, I went to lay down for a bit. I gave myself permission to lay down and read or just lay down with my eyes closed for a short time to recharge. The takeaway here for me was figuring out what I needed and figuring how best to meet that need with the resources available to me. I am noting my emotions and train of thought and my decision making, and starting to see where my go-to coping mechanism for a long time has been to stay busy, to keep doing things, to keep powering through, so I don’t have to think about how I feel. And that has contributed to where I find myself now with my physical and mental health.

What needs do I have that are not being met that I think can be met with food? That’s my new self check-in question. Self-discovery things like this make me happy to be a social worker for the self-help purposes. 😁